Invisible Diversion...
Active Link offer a vast array of telephony solutions to organisations and businesses, large and small, each with their own unique requirements. Diversion to our facility is seamless and flexible. You may utilise any or all of the diversion options listed (see right) even if only for a few minutes.
Advanced Telephony...
As each of your calls arrive your company details immediately appear on screen, enabling your dedicated team to manage your calls as though in-house. The displayed information will have been tailored to your precise requirements and ensures that all calls are handled in line with your specific instructions.
Naturally we are able to receive several of your calls simultaneously. Remarkably this can be achieved even when diverting a single telephone line. Message notification is immediate and via email, SMS or fax. As a further option, we can act as your private switchboard announcing and connecting your caller wherever you may be. |
Divert all your business calls until you decide otherwise. |
Divert calls when your lines would otherwise be engaged. |
Divert calls where any of your lines remain unanswered after a defined number of rings. |